Tuesday, November 18, 2008


The team leaves Johannesburg tomorrow morning at 5am to begin their journey to Durban.

Watch this space to keep up to date with their progress!


Anonymous said...

There is a rumour that Glynn has pulled out becasue he couldnt get his legs shaved in time. Any truth to the rumour

glynt said...

At the airport, I have just seen rash cream in Alans vanity bag-scary thing is that the tube is well used????

Anonymous said...

Good luck team.... kudos for having the guts to do what some of can't. drink lots of red bull and load up on the sugar. a special good luck to carolyn and Clinton who are wearimg their IHS caps or should that be helmets.... we'll be watching your victory cycle... Thigam

Peachy said...

Awesome challenge for an awesome cause! Best wishes to you all! Cycle safe......