André, Marius, Jisca & Desmond

Chris Iuel from Your Africa - proudly sponsored by
Smile for the camera please Alan??

Bad weather yesterday...
& more bad weather...
The Look (apparently caused by the bad weather?)

Arthur and Chris looking very pleased with themselves.

Glenn, Glyn, Chris and Pierre....
Glyn seems to be reconsidering his cycling career?

Desmond....please try not to overtake Alan again today...

Arthur looking like he should rather be riding a Harley.

Marius, Alan & Ellen - enjoying a well deserved break and a little TLC from Michelle

Pierre & Ravi guarding the bikes

Carolyn...finding the grass a lot softer than a chair

Uncle Glyn and Auntie Ellen taking a moment after a tough 5km sprint

Desmond - Carbo loading
Craig you're supposed to be cycling??
Super cool Arthur

Alan "Catch me if you can" Vels

Leisurely ride?

Alan exceptionally happy at reaching his destination...

Ian Armstrong greeting all on their arrival in Clarens
Well Done guys, You are trully making us proud.
The Westville Team
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