Pierre was trying very hard to put on his happy face before he had his coffee this morning. Someone get him some coffee quick!!
The ride through Golden Gate was the most scenic.
The support team are having to massage unshaved legs... Apparently they're fighting over who gets to massage Deans legs as he's the only one properly shaved!
The weather is great and the sun has been shining brightly. Anja has been a champion at ensuring that everyone is suitably smeared with sunblock.
Second stop this morning was at Sterkfontein dam. Apparently a Drifters vehicle full of German tourists was there and they were absolutley fascinated by the goings on.
Cindy has been following the team with music support on EXTREMELY LOUD. She's desperate for a set of speakers that will rather fit on top of the roof as she's feeling rather deaf at the moment.
Marius now has bandages on both legs and the support team running with hot and cold compresses!
All cyclists agree the support team are ABSOLUTELY AWESOME! Glenn has been a champion supporter despite having bronchitis!
Steven Saunders (Chef from Quarters) jumped on a bicycle for the last leg of the journey to Alpine! Well done Steven!
Unanimous consensus is that Quarters have provided phenomenal catering!
Day 2 has been progressing well, all are feeling confident and have settled nicely into a strong, comfortable pace.
There is some concern about Alan's obsession with Gu...
The hills are a killer and sometimes a little lift is all you need...
Go Daddy Go - Owen De Mol
Andre de M, the general consensus in Durban is that you should wear shorts more often, and even to work on casual Fridays...
Well done on an early finish for Day 2 everyone!
All the best for Day 3...it's all downhill from here on..(I think!)
See you all at the Riverside on Saturday....(yes Alan, I will be working on Saturday....!)
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