Wednesday, November 19, 2008

And they're off...

Clinton Bonhomme

All ready to go

Early morning breakfast... André, Jisca, Desmond and Carolyn

Glenn Enslin, Cindy Sheedy and Alan Vels

Glenn Enslin and Glyn Taylor

Robbie Hunter and Dean Edwards


Anonymous said...

Please give Marius and Carolyn a GPS, I know they have moutain bikes and want to go through rough terrain, but they should rather stay on the road - keep it up guys, we are really proud of you!

The Marketing Team

Anonymous said...

We are so proud of you ALL ROCK - just don't hit any.....GO TCG GO!!!!

From the Sales Co-ordinators (DBN)
Charlotte, Sacha & Hayley

Peachy said...

You have just had an awesome punt on ECR - they announced who you are, what you're doing and encouraged everyone to pledge! Good on ya!!! Keep strong and safe....

Anonymous said...

1 day down, only 3 more to go, well done today, you guys cycled out of your cleats!! (learnt that word yesterday!) I promise to have the beers ready at Rawdons !!!!