Wednesday, November 19, 2008

UPDATE: 16h00

News from the team is as follows:

There was an enormous electrical storm a little earlier, all cyclists were pulled off the road and travelled in the van for about 30km's (to corroborate this story photographic evidence of the lightening will apparently be forwarded shortly). Luckily the storm has passed and all cyclists are back on the road and doing well.

A trusted source leaked the following information:

Ellen has apparently ordered a "bucket" of champagne for her arrival in Clarens??

Pierre has been doing well and has made promises of speedy and priority IT service to Cindy in return for being allowed to hold onto the back of her car and be pulled up a hill??

Alan and Chris both did very well this morning and cycled the full 190km's, taking a quick 30 km break and then getting back on to the road.

Marius' knees are shot! (may have something to do with the detour he took earlier in the day?)

André is doing exceptionally well and has surprised everyone.

Glyn is looking a little pale?

Dean Edwards is the ULTIMATE cycling guru!

Ravi is now cycling well (Dean was seen pushing him at one stage)

Desmond cycling very well. At one stage was way ahead of the pack and called back
by Alan (we all know how competitive Alan is).

Cindy is very worried that Clarens is not going to have enough stock of Gu! For those not in the cycling world, it's a very thick, sticky substance, bit like condense milk that provides energy. Apparently the cyclists are stealing the Gu and keeping a stash in their shirts!

The rest of the team is cycling well.

The support team is amazing. Michelle is putting her first aid skills to great use!! Anja and Cindy have been banned from driving, but no fear...Lisa is an excellent driver and will make sure everyone gets to their destination safely.


Anonymous said...

Well done everyone, you are all stars. Keep it up and i hope that Steven is feeding you well.

lots of love Nicole and The Quarters team

Anonymous said...

Are Cindy and Anja pissed already????
Keep going,and there is 50 quid ( 700 bucks)from me in London, towards the grand total!

Anonymous said...

you are all super stars .... well done to everyone!

Big hugs from 1on1

Anonymous said...

Hi Alan and team

From all of us at Group RCI, we are proud to be involved with this very worthy project, and we wish you all many hours of long roads, tired legs.... but most of all - travel safely....

Kind regards

Steve van G said...

Well done on the first day gets easier form here on! (Well, looking out my office window it seems like it anyway...!)

Keep it up!

Steve van G and the Riverside Team