Monday, November 17, 2008


Three Cities Group Education Trust

· To offer financial assistance to employees whose children wish to pursue a career within the hospitality and tourism industry thereby increasing the talent within this sector.

· To address scarce skills within the hospitality and tourism industry by upskilling from within.
· To create an awareness of various opportunities and career paths within the industry.
· To retain key staff by offering educational support to their children.
· To be recognized as an employer of choice

Children aged 15 to 21 years old (Grade 10 onwards)

The Board of Trustees will select the beneficiaries of the fund.

1. Children showing an interest in choosing tourism or hospitality subjects at high school level (Grade 10).
2. Previous academic record.
3. Attendance at school.
4. Disciplinary record
5. Length of service of employee requesting assistance.
6. Commitment and work ethic of employee.
7. Disciplinary record of employee.

The Trust Fund will cover the payment of:
1. school fees,
2. stationary,
3. Prescribed text books.
4. uniforms

Funding will be reviewed on an annual basis and will be based on performance of the current sponsored year.
Funding will extend to Diploma and Degree qualification within the Hospitality and Tourism sector at the conclusion of Secondary Education.

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